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Press Release Distribution Service - Google Groups
In the following paragraphs I’m going to show you the simplest way to structure a high converting press release. Writing a good press release is a lot like writing a good article. You may use a number of the same skills you use in article writing to effectively create a press release. While you may use several of your article writing skills to write a press release, it’s important to remember a press release is quite a bit different than an article.Whenever formatting a press release it’s essential to bear in mind you are hoping to attract attention from the media and news watchers. One of the differences between an article and a news release is that a news release needs to sound newsworthy. If you expect the reader of your press release to respond to your call to action, your press release should be newsworthy.The first step to formatting good converting press release is to compose an interesting title. You need your introduction or title to grab the interest of the reader. Similar to crafting a powerful article title you want your press release title to rouse the audience’s curiosity.Obtaining your readers attention with your title, press release and universal press release retaining their interest throughout the body of your press release is essential to achieve success. It’s really easy to lose your readers interest if your press release isn’t really gripping and universal press release interesting. The key is to get them interested by giving them an intriguing headline which will make them go to your internet site to see more.If you are introducing a new product, PR or simply announcing that you have created an awesome new website. You want to let readers know how they can really benefit from this product or PR website. Use snappy phrases or universal press release sayings which will stir the reader’s interest. Words and universal PR phrases like; "just published", "never before open to everyone", "discover how", universal press release or "how to finally achieve success".The entire body of your press release should provide the information your compelling title promised. It is similar to how your article body needs to deliver what your article title promised. The way the body of the press release is worded is what separates it from article writing. Make certain the press release shows your reader where you would like them to go, universal PR or what you are wanting them to do. If you would like someone to simply click on to your website product sales page, you have to keep reminding them as skillfully as is possible to visit your website.This can easily be accomplished when you have an excellent opening title. You compose a set of supportive paragraphs, press release and press release include your website in the paragraphs. When formatting your press release, you need to remember that a real person will be reading it, not a search engine. So don’t just keep repeating the same information over and PR over, that will only annoy them
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